About us
It’s high time the successes of sports class pilots are celebrated in equal measure to those flying EN-D and CCC wings. And the Sports-Class Racing Series is here to do just that. Each year, we will crown a Sports Class Champion through four highly competitive events.
So what is it?

The Sports-Class Racing Series (SRS) is a Non-Profit organisation by a group of pilots led by Brett Janaway. It is aimed at all competitive sports pilots flying apart from the EN-D and CCC classes. Our idea for a racing series has been in discussion for around 10 years. In fact, I remember the first discussions in August 2013, after we ran the first Gin Wide Open in Italy. But with the birth of 2-liner EN-Cs, the time is now right. Of course, you don’t have to fly a 2-liner EN-C. All pilots flying all kinds of EN-A, EN-B and EN-C certified wings can apply to enter and race.
Who is behind the SRS series?
The series is partnering with some of the leading names in the sport. These include Airtribune, Cross Country Magazine, Ozone, Naviter, Gin Gliders, Skywalk, BGD gliders, Flymaster and many more. With these partners, the SRS can ensure access to technologies, knowledge, support and development to remain at the forefront of paragliding racing.
In addition, we have some strong team members behind the administration and organisation of the series. These include:
Brett Janaway
Brett has been organising competitions and events since 2001. In the last 10 years, he has organised over 50 paragliding events. Brett is the owner of Airtribune and FlyEvent, a service which has a fleet of over 1,000 trackers that are rented to paragliding events worldwide. Brett will be focussing his efforts on technologies, scoring and tracking, as well as steering the development of the SRS in the early years.

Ruth Jessop
Ruth will be leading our administration, teams and event blogging. With an extensive experience of working with the PWCA she has a unique skillset to take the SRS to the next level.
Ulric Jessop
Ulric is the creator of the CompCheck scoring software, used by the PWCA for over a decade. He is going to assist our team to further develop scoring to suit the objectives of the SRS series. Ulric will also help form many of the SRS Organisational decisions and assist in forming the SRS rules.
Magdalena Janaway
Magdalena has been organising the administration of events for many years. With her input we can expect a smooth registration system for all.
Lisa Davis
Lisa is the happy, cheerful face behind the scoring desk. Whether it be a great or not so great flight, she’ll help put a smile on your face. Unless you forgot your tracker….. best be nice to her!
Carl Foster
Carl is part of the SRS Organisation and processes our accounts. He is also an active SRS Pilot.
Rainer Dieterle
Rainer looks after the SRS website. He is also an active SRS Pilot.
Hanna Bar
Hanna organises the backend admin for the SRS. She works on a part time basis.
Chris Trow
Chris was the backbone behind the PWCA series for many years. He joined the SRS team at the outset and assisted us in our early safety systems. You could say that competition safety, tracking and retrieve was invented by Chris and his ideas and systems have been replicated throughout the sport. Sadly, Chris passed away in 2024 but his legacy to the sport will continue.
Others that assist us from time to time include:
XC Mag Team, Hugh, Ed & Marcus
These guys are amazing. When we need help, whether it be proof reading an article, promoting an event or creating an epic logo, they are always on hand to assist. Big cheer for Cross Country Magazine! Marcus has also been great at turning up with the camera and creating some stunning photos for us to use.
Steve Senior
Steve has a long history in the sport, having worked with the likes of Ozone, Cross Country and the British competitions panel. He has assisted us both in the background, and as meet director for venues that do not have an officer to fulfil this role.
Nicole Fedele
Nicole has been at the pinnacle of competition racing for many years. She has a huge depth of experience. But she is also a world class leader of events & groups and is also available to assist us as MD when needed.
This is just some of the people assisting in the background. But we are always looking for more assistance. If you feel you would like to get involved then do contact us.